30 Fitness Blog Post Ideas to Grow Your Fitness Business successfully completed and grow


30( Fitness Blog Post Ideas to Grow Your Fitness Business) 

If you run a fitness blog, you need to be constantly posting compelling and high-quality fitness blog topics. Posting high-quality fitness posts will help to keep your fitness business relevant, whenever someone searches for fitness articles on search engines like Google.

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As a result, you will increase your chances of growing your audience, attracting more followers and landing more fitness clients, thus helping to grow your fitness business. Besides, you will be helping your target audience to achieve their fitness goals and become healthier. Simply put, it’s a win-win for everyone.         ...Apply now free 💡tips
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But, regardless of how prolific you are as a fitness writer, you are likely to run out of ideas at some point. And it can happen to anyone. If you find yourself in this situation, we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we will share four actionable tips for finding fitness topics to write about in your personal trainer’s blog. We’ve also compiled a list of some of the best fitness blog topics, which can help to attract more followers and potential clients.

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1. Tips for Finding Fitness Topics to Write About

As noted above, coming up with a constant flow of fitness blog topics to write about is not always easy. Fortunately, there are some easy strategies and methods, which you can leverage to come up with unique fitness content ideas. They include:

1.1 Inspiration from Your Followers

If your fitness blog or personal trainer’s blog has a comment section, there’s a high chance that your audience posts feedback there regularly. And as much as most of the feedback will be in the form of comments, you may also get questions occasionally.

While some of these questions may just need a simple answer, others may need further elaboration. And you can use such questions as inspiration for your next fitness blog posts. You can compile those questions into a list, and then use them to create blog posts whenever you’ve run out of fitness topics to blog about.

Trending topics can also provide inspiration for fitness blog post ideas. And, you can easily find what’s trending in the fitness industry by using various tools like

As just to name a few.

For instance, you can blog about a certain fitness trend that is trending, a fitness-related event that’s happening in your neighborhood, or even a particular food trend that people are currently following.

1.3 Social Platforms

People visit social media's platform s for various reasons. While the majority visit platforms such as YouTube and instagram to socialize, others use them to ask questions on various topics. And, you can also use them to generate fitness blog post ideas. Some of the best social platforms that can help you to come up with hundreds of health and fitness blog topics to write about include:

Pinterest: Pinterest is a great source of inspiration for fitness blog topics. It can help you to come up with adequate topics for your health and fitness blog. You simply need to search for keywords like “fitness blog post ideas,” “fitness blog topics,” “fitness blog ideas,” or “fitness topics to write about.” And once you hit the search button, you will get hundreds of health and fitness topics that you can cover in your blog.

Reddit: Reddit can also be a gold mine when it comes to finding fitness-related problems that people are struggling with. First, you need to identify a fitness subreddit. Once you’ve identified a relevant subreddit, you can then conduct a search for “how do you” and you will end up with hundreds of posts, covering various topics.

Quora: Just like Reddit, Quora can also be a great resource for health and fitness blog topics to write about. As much as the majority of the questions posted on this platform are mostly focused on personal experiences, there’s adequate fitness-related content that you can use as inspiration to generate fitness blog posts

          1.4 Your Personal Life

Your personal life can also be a great inspiration for fitness blog posts. For instance, you can blog about things that are happening in your day-to-day life, how you handle them as well as how you solve various challenges that you encounter.

And, you don’t have to necessarily cover fitness-related topics. While you may be a renowned personal trainer or fitness coach, you are also a human being, like any other person. Hence, blogging about your personal life will go a long way in helping you to become more relatable to your audience.

2. The Top Fitness Blog Post Ideas

As you can see, you have several methods you can use to generate thousands of health and fitness blog topics. But, most of the above methods will require you to spend some time doing research. And you may sometimes lack adequate time to do research and compile the blog topics. Fortunately, we’ve done the research for you and compiled a list of 40 health and fitness topics to write about.

2.1 Workout Blog Post Ideas

If you are a personal trainer or a fitness coach, you can blog about various workout topics, depending on your niche. Some of the workout blog topics that you can cover include:

you are a personal trainer or a fitness coach, you can blog about various workout topics, depending on your niche. Some of the workout blog topics that you can cover include:

  1. Yoga routines
  2. Flexibility workouts
  3. Upper body strength workouts
  4. Strength-training
  5. Plyometric workouts
  6. Water Aerobics
  7. Endurance workouts
  8. Kickboxing workouts
  9. Boot-camp style workouts
  10. Hiking workouts
  11. Tabata workouts
  12. Core strengthening exercises
  13. Resistance band workouts
  14. Full-body circuit training
  15. Low impact workouts for seniors
  16. Bodyweight exercises for beginners
  17. HIIT workouts for busy people
  18. Functional fitness exercises
  19. Post-pregnancy workouts
  20. CrossFit-inspired workouts
  21. At-home cardio routines
  22. Balance and stability exercises
  23. Exercises to improve posture
  24. Workouts for better mental health
  25. Indoor cycling routines
  26. Workouts for specific sports
  27. Adaptive exercises for people with disabilities
  28. Office-friendly exercises for breaks
  29. Interval training workouts
  30. Dance-inspired fitness routines

Depending on the workout that you choose to cover, you can break it down it into different parts. And then create a fitness blog post for each part, thus creating some sort of a blog series.

For each type of workout that you decide to cover, make sure you provide a step-by-step guide on how to execute it safely and properly.

Also, you should provide information on what the workout will accomplish, how long it can take, the number of calories it can burn as well as modifications for varying fitness levels.

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