Commonly Eaten Foods That Are Bad for Your Health and Your Wallet


Commonly Eaten Foods That Are Bad for Your Health and Your Wallet

  We all lead busy lives, and it can be hard to remember to eat healthily. Sometimes, it’s easier to just grab food off the shelf, thinking only of the convenience and not of the nutritional value. Processed foods are always on-hand, which is why they make so much money for manufacturers. And they’ve saved us time and energy in the past. But, at what cost? 

Many of the products on this list are staples of our daily diet, from Coke to Twinkies. However, if not eaten in strict moderation (or avoided completely) they can lead to long-term health problems, according to cardiologists and other professionals. Some of these products are clearly harmful, but because they’re lucrative moneymakers they stay on the shelves anyway. Others are less obvious, but when eaten in great quantities can have nasty side effects. 

1. Diet Cola

Diet cola portrays itself as a healthy alternative to regular cola. After all, it’s sugar-free! And, it has no calories. It’s often been the go-to drink for dieters everywhere. Though Mayo Clinic says that it is okay if consumed in minimal quantities, people who drink more than a can a day could be headed for some serious harm.

According to Healthline, studies have shown that diet colas aren’t so “diet’ after all. Artificial sweeteners can lead to chronic kidney disease, tooth decay (because of the acidic pH level), and an increased risk of osteoporosis, depression, and heart disease. More studies are needed to be 100% sure, but you might want to cut back on diet cola or avoid it totally. 

Hot Dogs

Hot dogs are highly processed foods that contain many ingredients other than animal meat. Among them is maltodextrin, which, if consumed in excess, can cause damage to the intestines and stomach.

Additionally, a serving of hot dogs has 33% of the recommended daily sodium intake. As if that were not enough, hot dogs usually list “poultry meat” among their ingredients, an ambiguous term that raises doubts about the true origin of the meat they contain. Considering this, it’s surprising just how many of these are sold at stores like Kroger each year.

. Breakfast Sandwiches

It might be tempting to quickly grab a breakfast sandwich from a fast-food restaurant like McDonald’s, Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, and Tim Horton’s. And, there’s no denying that these sandwiches are delicious. However, you could be doing your body a real disservice by eating one every day.

   Though once in a while isn’t a problem, breakfast sandwiches are high in cholesterol. According to The Nutrition Twins, eating a fast-food breakfast sandwich three times a week can make you gain eight pounds a year, thanks to the three-hundred extra calories from the sandwich that you wouldn’t otherwise get if you stuck to eating at home. It makes you think twice about that McDonald’s McMuffin, doesn’t it? 

American Cheese Slices

Imitation cheese often has misleading packaging. These products, instead of being made with ingredients like milk fat the way normal cheese is, have vegetable oils, trans fats, flavorings, and preservatives.

All of these ingredients make imitation cheeses much less healthy than real cheeses. You can identify imitation cheeses among other things, because they are considerably less expensive than real cheese.

Commercial Salad Dressings

Vegetables are super healthy, but the problem is that a lot of them don’t exactly taste great on their own. You can make a super-deluxe salad, but it’ll be a little boring unless you add dressing. And that’s fine, but you might want to stay away from commercial salad dressings.

Many of them are loaded with vegetable oils, sugar, and trans fats, all of which are unhealthy. They also tend to contain artificial chemicals. These unhealthy ingredients take away from the benefits of the salad. Instead, try making your own salad dressing from olive oil, vinegar, and a dash of salt and pepper. Next time you’re shopping at Costco, take a harder look at the label. 

Pre-Packaged Cupcakes

Pre-packaged cupcakes are a delicious dessert, but their nutritional content will leave you with a very bad taste in your mouth. Sadly, most of these packs contain almost three times the recommended daily value of sugar.

Another ingredient is high fructose corn syrup, which can contribute to the development of high blood pressure or metabolic syndrome. Excessive consumption of this product can also cause obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver, among other gnarly diseases. Like anything else, these should be eaten in moderation.

Gummy Bears

Each bag of Gummy Bears contains just 0.2 pounds of gummies. However, this small amount hides the equivalent of 12 teaspoons of sugar. This is between two and three times the recommended daily intake for a child.

In addition to the risks that come with excessive sugar intake, Gummy Bears also contain artificial ingredients such as petroleum-based dyes, which can contribute to the development of problems like attention deficit or hyperactivity. A pack of Haribo from Walmart might only cost you a couple of bucks, but is it worth it? 

Instant Ramen

Maruchan Soup is a very popular meal for its affordable price, at just thirteen cents a packet. It’s also super-easy it is to prepare. However, due to its low fi
ber content, a serving of this soup is hardly going to satisfy you.

In addition, Maruchan Soup is very high in sodium: each container provides half the recommended daily value. Consuming this product frequently can cause problems such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, among other ailments.

Cheap Bread

Cheap white bread is essential for making practical lunches to take to school and the office. It won’t break the bank, costing less than $1 per loaf. But one of the reasons why this product is consumed so frequently is that it can become addictive.

This is because it contains sugar, which helps in the fermentation process of bread. In addition, a lot of brands use a high amount of fat and salt that, in excess, can harm your health. Also, most of these loaves of bread do not have much fiber, so it will hardly make you full.


Although they are one of the favorite breakfasts of children and adults, pancakes are not particularly healthy. For starters, they tend to have high amounts of salt and preservatives that should be avoided in a balanced diet.

In addition, they usually contain trans fats, which increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Some of them also have partially hydrogenated soybean oil, which is not one of the healthiest fats out there. But, let’s face it, did any of us really think eating at iHop every day was good for our health? 

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