The Chest Exercises and Workouts You Need to Build Bigger Pecs

How to get chest

For most guys, a chest workout involves alternating between three chest exercises: bench press completed in the flat, incline and decline positions. But it needn't be that way.

There are so many chest exercises and workouts to try, from bodyweight staples to twists on dumbbell classics, that building an impressive pair of pecs needn't be a chore. In fact, mixing up your workouts will mean you're hitting you chest from more angles than the humble bench press, as good as it is, is capable of. Doing that will result in a bigger, stronger upper torso, which in turn will (obviously) make you more adept at pushing heavy objects — from
barbells to broken-down cars.

But let's not beat around the bush, we also know that part of the reason you're reading this guide is because having a bigger chest just looks impressive, and that's a scientific fact. A study published in Plos One found

that women's, as well as men's, perception of the ideal male body, included a muscular, wide chest circumference that creates an overall V-shaped torso. That's why we've consulted chest exercise experts, including our own fitness editor Andrew Tracey, to help you construct a powerful set of pecs.

By the end of this you and your chest should be standing a little taller and a little prouder.

Your Major Chest Muscles, Explained

If you want huge pecs you'll need to challenge all of your chest muscles. But, you can't target all of your chest muscles if you don't know what they are, can you? To set you on the path to bigger pecs, here's a quick guide to your major chest muscles.

Pectoralis Major: The pectoralis major makes up most of your chest muscle mass. It is large and fan shaped, and is composed of a sternocostal head and a clavicular head.

Pectoralis Minor: The pectoralis minor lies underneath the pectoralis major. Its job is to help pull the shoulder forward and down.
Serratus Anterior: Located at the side of the chest wall, you'll notice the serratus anterior in action when you lift weights overhead.

Why Isn't My Chest Growing?

Before we let you in on the secret of how to build your chest, let's first go over some of the reasons why your chest might not be growing. For instance, if you're not using correct form or warming-up properly, you may struggle to pack on size.

Growth struggles may also be caused by your technique. Pumping out fast reps is unlikely to be giving your chest the muscle-building stimulus it needs. A study published in The Journal of Physiology found that slow, controlled lifts performed to fatigue produced greater rates of muscle growth than the same movement performed rapidly.

Similarly, the British Journal of Sports Medicine proved, across 31 studies, that high-load dynamic warm-ups greatly enhanced power and strength performance, as 'warm' muscles have greater flexibility and are more conditioned to generate explosive power.

How to Activate Your Chest Muscles

As well as varying your rep ranges, adjusting your lifting 'tempo' — the pace at which you lower and raise the weights — and working different parts of your chest (like your upper chest), it's also important to warm-up before your go-to chest workout. With 45 per cent of Brits having suffered an injury from the gym, opening up your body with mobility and stretching will ensure easier lifts and considerably safer workouts.

Dynamic warm-ups are generally considered to be the best approach to a pre-workout warm-up. Consisting of movements with a progressive range of motion that mimic the exercise you're about to do, you'll be lengthening your muscles and preparing them to work under heavier loads.

       If you want a bigger chest, you may need to tweak your diet

What to Eat for a Bigger Chest

As any fitness zealot will know, working out is only half the battle. To really maximise your efforts into building a bigger chest, you'll need to fuel yourself appropriately. Even if you've hit every workout consistently and methodically, your diet will help build a more healthy, rounded physique, with protein taking priority. Don't believe us? A study published in the journal Nutrients found that "protein intake was shown to promote additional gains in lean body mass beyond those observed with resistance exercise alone."

Currently, dietary guidelines suggest that you should eat 0.8g of protein per kg of bodyweight every day. To build muscle, however, you'll need to double that, consuming around 1.6 to 2.0g per kilo of bodyweight. If you weigh 80kg, for example, that's 128g to 160g of protein per day.

Don't neglect the carbs, either — concentrating your intake before and after exercise (a bagel with breakfast and banana with your post-workout protein shake, for example) will ensure you have enough fuel to push harder, lift heavier and last longer during a workout while ensuring your stores of glycogen don't deplete and leave you crawling into the shower. If you're struggling to eat enough protein, our guide to whey protein, vegan protein and protein bars will help. Likewise, meal prep and learning to count macros will help bolster your nutrition in your mission
To build a bigger chest. Bon appétit.

Who Is This Chest Workout For?

This bigger chest workout and guide is for any guy looking to build a broader upper-body, but is most suited for intermediate-level guys who have had experience bench pressing, using cable machines and utilising supersets during a workout. Similarly, utilising the 'progressive overload' technique — adding reps every workout cycle, to make strength gains quicker — will be optimum. Similarly, if you're dissatisfied with your current workout results, try our moves below.

      Looking to build a bigger chest? Our 10 best chest exercises below will help

The best Exercises for Building a Bigger Chest

When it comes to building a bigger chest, most men head straight for the bench press— which we’ll be honest, won’t move the needle on those chest gains much on its own. So, if you want a bigger chest than ‘most men’, add some of these pec pumping movements into your workout repertoire.

Below, you'll find the best exercises for building a bigger chest broken down into categories: bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells and bands.

Best BODYWEIGHT moves for building a bigger chest


Why: Unlike the humble press-up (which we’ll get to soon enough) dips require you to lift the entirety of your bodyweight from the ground. More resistance = more growth, even with bodyweight movements.

How: Jump up on two parallel bars or gymnastics rings with your palms facing inward and your arms straight — use two boxes or the backs of two sturdy chairs if you’re at home. Bend your arms and slowly lower your body until your elbows are at right angles, ensuring they don’t flare outward. Drive yourself back up to the top, squeezing your chest and arms hard, before repeating.

Feet elevated press-up

Why: Elevating your feet slightly (or more than slightly) when performing press-ups alters the angle against you, providing more resistance and greater gains. You’ll also emphasise parts of your chest that can be missed with flat pressing.

How: Kick both feet up onto a box or bench. Create a strong plank position with your hands on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower your chest to the ground, before explosively pressing back to lockout. The higher your feet, the greater the resistance, but the more you’ll emphasise your shoulder muscles.

Deficit press-up

Why: The key to growth is stimulating your muscles through a full range of motion. By raising your hands up on handles or boxes either side of your body, you’re able to drop yourself below your hands, stretching your chest fully and targeting more muscle fibres.

How: Assume a strong plank position, with your core tight and hands gripping a pair of handles, dumbbells or placed on two benches, either side of your body. Bend your elbows to bring your chest to the floor, feeling a deep stretch as you lower. Keep your elbows from flaring away from your body as you push back up explosively.

Gymnastics rings press-ups

Why: The free-moving nature of the rings don’t just allow you to get a deep stretch in your pecs, but their inherent instability can seriously bulletproof your shoulders. Elevate your feet to increase the resistance and pump up your chest even further.

How: Arrange a pair of rings so they’re hanging around a foot from the floor. Assume a strong plank position gripping both rings with straight arms, shoulder-width apart. Squeeze the rings as hard as you can whilst lowering your body towards the floor. Continue lowering until you feel a deep stretch in your pecs before pressing back up explosively.

Tempo press-ups

Why: The press-up is the ultimate portable pec builder, perfect for high rep blasts, but if we want all of those reps to pay-off we need to focus on nailing each rep by controlling the tempo (speed) and keeping the tension on those pecs.

How: Assume a strong plank position with hands stacked directly beneath your shoulders. Keep your elbows locked at a 45 degree angle as you slowly lower your chest to the floor. Inhale as you lower, counting to 4 seconds. Pause just before your chest touches the ground and explosively exhale, pushing back up. Repeat until you can no longer control your descent.

Best DUMBBELL moves for building a bigger chest

Flat dumbbell press

Why: Unlike the barbell bench press, having both hands moving independently allows you to create not only a larger range of motion, but one that’s perfect for your individual mechanics. Perfect reps for perfect pecs.

How: Lay flat on a bench, your knees bent, pushing your feet into the floor. Press a pair of dumbbells into the air, locking out your elbows. Lower the bells slowly until they touch the outside of your chest. Keep your elbows at a 45 degree angle, pause here before explosively pressing back up.???.!